Employee Performance

2001 Addison Road South
District Heights, MD 20747

The Office of Employee Performance (OEP) continues its commitment to the vision of having an evaluation system that empowers all staff to implement practices that ensure that Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) students are college and career ready in a globally competitive world. Our mission is to provide all employees with an effective evaluation system that promotes professional growth through collaborative conversations with targeted feedback and coaching. This mission supports the strategic framework vision for developing distinguished learners and leaders who support educational excellence for all PGCPS students.

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Contact Information

Charity J. Magruder, Ed.D.

Unit I Educator Evaluation

The Unit I Employee evaluation models are designed to promote professional growth and enhance job performance. The comprehensive evaluation informs professional development to guide and support career decisions.

Evaluation Models

There are 2 evaluation models that Unit I members may be assigned to. Educators who are responsible for instruction on a regular basis will be assigned the Framework for Teaching (FfT) model. All other educators who do not provide direct instruction on a regular basis will be assigned the Standards for Excellence SFE model.

Framework for Teaching Evaluation

All educators assigned the FfT Evaluation tool are evaluated annually on professional practice and student growth measures.

FfT Professional Practice (70 points) is determined through collecting evidence during formal observations, using Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument. The points assigned to each of the measures that make up the Professional Practice are listed below.

  • Planning and Preparation                                                    10 points
  • Classroom Environment                                                       20 points
  • Delivery of Instruction                                                          20 points
  • Growing and Developing Professionally                              15 points          
  • Professionalism                                                                      5 points            

FfT Student Growth (30 points) is determined by collecting progress data from various student performance indicators. Student growth includes qualitative and quantitative measures. Educator tenure status, teaching schedule, and observation cycle dictate the components of the evaluation.

  • Qualitative Student Growth Measure                                  25 points
  • Quantitative Student Growth Measure                                5 points

Standards for Excellence Evaluation

The Standards for Excellence tool is a performance-based evaluation system used for continuous improvement of performance and accountability supporting the growth of educators. The comprehensive evaluation informs professional development and guides and supports career decisions. The evaluation system is based on the following professional standards:

Certain educators/specialists, depending on their classification or job responsibilities, who do not provide direct instruction to students, are evaluated using the Standards for Excellence (SFE) evaluation tool.

The SFE Evaluation comprises four Professional Practice standards.  Each component is weighted equally in the final evaluation.

  • Planning and Preparation                                                    
  • Classroom Environment                                                       
  • Delivery of Instruction
  • Professionalism

While student growth is not an "evaluated" measure within the SFE Evaluation, SFE educators will participate in 3 conferences (Beginning-of -Year, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year) to discuss their plan to support the academic or program growth of the school.

Unit II and Unit III ASASP Evaluation

The Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel (ASASP) evaluation system is designed to provide employees with an evaluation that enhances job performance and promotes continuous improvement and growth

Unit II School-Based Administrator Evaluation

The school-based administrator evaluation model is a 70/30 model. 

The Professional Practice component comprises 70% of the final evaluation based on the following Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL):

  • Standard 1. Mission, Vision, and Core Values
  • Standard 2. Ethics and Professional Norms
  • Standard 3. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness
  • Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Standard 5. Community of Care and Support for Students
  • Standard 6. Professional Capacity of School Personnel 
  • Standard 7. Professional Community for Teachers and Staff
  • Standard 8. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community
  • Standard 9. Operations and Management
  • Standard 10. School Improvement

The Student Growth component comprises 30% of the final evaluation. A School-Based  Administrators’ Student Growth consists of the following two categories:  

  • Quantitative Measure (5 points) – Administrators will be responsible for providing targeted Student Growth documentation during the Beginning-of-Year, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year Conferences. The quantitative measure will be scored during the End-of-Year-Conference. 
  • Qualitative Measure (25 points) - Administrators will provide in-depth discussion and reflection during the Beginning-of-Year, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year Conferences. Scoring of the qualitative measure will occur at all three conferences. 

Units II and III Non-School Based Evaluation

The ASASP Units II and III Non-School Based evaluation tools are a performance-based appraisal system. The evaluation system is based on the following standards:   


  • Standard 1. Leadership 
  • Standard 2. Productivity and Accountability
  • Standard 3. Decision-Making Strategies 
  • Standard 4. Collaboration with Stakeholders


  • Standard 1. Leadership 
  • Standard 2. Productivity and Accountability
  • Standard 3. Decision-Making Strategies 
  • Standard 4. Collaboration with Stakeholders
  • Standard 5. Supervisory

ACE-ASCME 2250 and SEIU 400 Evaluation

The PGCPS evaluation process is designed to support employees’ professional growth and development. The process revolves around three yearly Growth Conferences: (1) Beginning-of-Year, (2) Mid-Year, and (3) End-of-Year Final Evaluation Conference. Each conference provides an opportunity for Support Employees and Supervisors to engage in collaborative discussion to promote reflection and allow support employees to plan and achieve new goals that will positively impact employee performance.

Support employees provide a wide range of support and services that are vital to the success of the school district. The Locals 2250/400 evaluation tools are designed to promote the professional growth of this diverse employee group.

Support Staff Evaluation Overview

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is committed to implementing the support staff evaluation model in order to facilitate continuous improvement and thereby improve student achievement.  PGCPS has worked together with the bargaining units and other stakeholders to develop tools that measure the effectiveness of all support staff. The evaluation model is based on the below vision.

  • Assess and improve the performance of all support staff 
  • Provide professional development to support the needs of staff aligned to the evaluation tool
  • Employees are to familiarize themselves with the current evaluation tool and to begin using effective practices to improve their performance
  • The day-to-day relationship keeps the employee informed on how he/she is doing in relation to objectives and helps him/her improve his/her performance and builds morale and teamwork
  • Performance reviews or observations are necessary to provide quality feedback to each employee

The OEP Team

Learn more about the people who work in the Office of Employee Performance.
Employee Performance Team